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Monday , 1 July 2024
Home Amateur Radio Celebrate Canada Day with us!
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Celebrate Canada Day with us!

Each year on July 1, the anniversary of Canada’s Confederation, Radio Amateurs of Canada sponsors the RAC Canada Day Contest and Amateurs all over the world are invited to celebrate Canada’s Birthday Party on the air.

RAC Contest Rules updates | July 1, 2024

This year there are several changes including:

  • In support of the new RAC Headquarters Amateur Station, the RAC contests will now recognize its call sign VE3RHQ as a new 20-point bonus call sign as part of the contest scoring. All the major software authors have implemented this change, so please update your software if you have not recently done so. If the software you use does not support this additional bonus scoring, rest assured that our contest management software will correctly add the value to your score when appropriate.
  • Commencing with the 2024 contest season we are no longer accepting paper logs.
  • The RAC Contest Management Teams Web Log System at https://contest.rac.ca/ is the preferred method to submit logs and email logs will still be accepted for the near term.
  • The Winnipeg Amateur Radio Club and the Manitoba Repeater Society have amalgamated into the new Radio Amateurs of Manitoba. They will now be the sponsor of the Rookie Plaque.
  • We have received several inquiries about how the 10-minute rule was adjudicated in the Multi-Operator Single-Transmitter categories for High Power (MOSTHP) and Low Power (MOSTLP). There have also been other inquiries regarding transmitted signals, band and mode of operation. As a result we have extensively rewritten Category Note 4 to provide more clarity.

If you have questions about these rules or need help with preparing or submitting your log or have any other questions, please contact Bart Ritchie, VE5CPU at [email protected].

For the previous year’s contest results, visit the RAC website in the Contest section at: http://wp.rac.ca/contesting-results/

We look forward to celebrating Canada’s birthday on the air with you on July 1.

Bart Ritchie, VE5CPU –
RAC Canada Day Contest Manager

Written by

Canadian amateur radio operator since 2007. Operating on the VHF/UHF bands and local repeaters in the Durham Region area. Husband and the father of four.

1 Comment

  • Looking forward to it. In the PDF flyer, it says that logs can only be submitted electronically but then in another place says that logs with 100 or more QSOs need to be submitted electronically. Editing oversight, I’m sure.

    Might make a good webinar – “electronic logging for people that like paper”.

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